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Sportsville Hutt City is a partnership project led by Hutt City Council and supported by SPARC, Sport Wellington, NZ Community Trust & Pelorus Trust. The purpose of the Sportsville project is to create sports communities that make it easier for clubs to attract new members, offer new programmes and control operational costs by pooling resources. 

The focus is on collaboration, not amalgamation.  Each club still retains its history and identity, now within a strong and supportive network. There are several Sportsville projects proposed for different regions around New Zealand.

Fraser Park Sportsville was launched in September 2009. The Fraser Park Sportsville founding clubs signed the Sportsville constitution in April 2010, signalling their commitment to the partnership.  In June 2010, an independent Board was appointed to lead the organisation.

RICOH were confirmed as name sponsor in May 2018 and have helped contribute to the build and development of the centre, making it a regionally and nationally significant precinct for sport, recreation and other community activities.

Fraser Park Sportsville and the RICOH Sports Centre were officially opened in March 2019 by Mayor Ray Wallace. 

He kaupapa mahi tahi a Sportsville Hutt City e te Kaunihera o Hutt City me te tautoko e SPARC, Sport Wellington, NZ Community Trust & Pelorus Trust. Ko te kaupapa o te kaupapa Sportsville he hanga i nga hapori hakinakina kia ngawari ake nga karapu ki te kukume i nga mema hou, ki te tuku kaupapa hou me te whakahaere i nga utu whakahaere ma te kohi rauemi.


Ko te arotahi ko te mahi tahi, kaua ko te whakakotahitanga. Kei te pupuri tonu ia karapu i tona hitori me tona tuakiri, inaianei kei roto i te hononga kaha me te tautoko. He maha nga kaupapa Sportsville e whakaarohia ana mo nga rohe rereke huri noa i Aotearoa.


I whakarewahia a Fraser Park Sportsville i te marama o Hepetema 2009. I hainatia e nga karapu whakatu a Fraser Park Sportsville te kaupapa ture Sportsville i Paenga-whawha 2010, e tohu ana i to raatau piripono ki te hononga. I te marama o Hune 2010, i tohua he Poari motuhake hei arahi i te whakahaere.


I whakapumautia a RICOH hei kaitautoko ingoa i te Haratua 2018, a kua awhinatia e ia ki te hanga me te whakawhanaketanga o te pokapu, ka noho hei rohe nui mo te rohe me te motu mo nga mahi hakinakina, whakangahau me etahi atu mahi hapori.


Ko Fraser Park Sportsville me te Whare Taakaro RICOH i whakatuwherahia i te Maehe 2019 e te Koromatua Ray Wallace.

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